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HELLO! This is a new start, and a new beginning. I'm happy with the way i'm leading my life now. (:

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

have been busy today. got lots of thing running through my mind and im thinking how to settle everything in the shortest and fastest time. :(

dropped by ikea yesterday with mel to get the display cabinet for mommy. dad came over for dinner and the car was fully utilized in terms of the space. thankfully we had the car, if not i wouldn't know how to carry it home. adding to the fact that it's long and heavy and its glass, we had to be extra careful with it.

lots of work to do today, and still planning for mommy's bday tonight. got to rush to jurong point later after work to settle the boyf's cake and get mommy's cake too before i rush home to finish up my collage!

back to work. shall update soon.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

the weekend that just passed was a hectic one indeed. met bird on friday to do our nails at jurong point. and the bad attitude that we got just pissed us off. went home to get my stuff before heading to alicia's place for a short discussion on the wedding held the next day. saturday was a long and memorable day for all of us, esp the newly wed couple, Remy & Alicia who are currently in Maldives for their honeymoon. :D

was so tired that i gave church a miss on sunday. went for Hari Raya visiting at Jurong, Woodlands followed by Tampines. headed to the Lua's residence to see my dearest benji lua with his botak head. heehee. and he's back in camp now! and will only be booking out 2 weeks later.

met the boyf on monday for a while before heading to Bedok to visit grandaunt who just had her operation performed on her back and hips. thank God she's okay. :) went to Din's house for dinner before going home for the night to have a good rest.

work has been treating me fairly good. and in no time, i'll be bidding this company goodbye to further my studies. i've decided on taking full time studies before i officially step into the working world.

the poor boyf has been having lack of sleep recently as he's really busy at work. and despite having so little time to rest, he still makes an effort to meet me almost everyday, over lunch or dinner. this is my boy, forever so silly. i love you boyf. :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

sent my dearest cousin to tekong on monday, and boy, my aunty was crying. lol. benji lua will be out this sat all thanks to the public holiday. but he's not so lucky afterall, cause he'll be confined for 2 weeks once he books in on monday night.

and yes, i'll get to see the botak head this weekend. accompanied the boyf to east coast yesterday to book the chalet for his birthday before settling down in a hkg cafe for dinner.

and soon, the weekends will be here. yayy.

on a side note, im still considering between taking full time or part time studies.
should i or should i not?

Monday, September 7, 2009

life hasn't been too smooth sailing for me. a couple of things happened, but im glad i managed to face it bravely. and definitely not forgetting all those who were supporting me in every little single thing, im glad to have all of you in my life. :)

met up with the cousins last week to do some preparations for my cousin's upcoming wedding held on 19th Sept. sister's gowns has been settled, and its only 2weeks away from the wedding! so excited.

took leave on Friday, spent some good time shopping with the boy at Bugis followed by Jurong Point before he sends mommy and i to orchard ion to do a little shopping. dropped by Blowfish, and boy, the band from Philippines and Thailand are awesome. they're really good.

had lunch with QY on saturday before heading over to Lido for the Cadbury Do the Eyebrow contest. it was definitely entertaining seeing how the contestants performed. i swear i had a good laugh just looking at their performances.

took the train to vivo where daddy came to pick me up to go to Sentosa Cove for bbq. great time spent at the cove, catching up with bird and the rest. im glad we all enjoyed it. and not forgetting QY who wanted me to take pictures for him to see! haha!

was at auntie irene's place yesterday after church. had a farewell for benji lua who's gonna serve the nation officially on 14th sept! oh ya, did i mention my sweetest cousin managed to get a ticket for me? yes he did! and im gonna send him off to tekong. LOL.

shopped at west coast market while waiting for the boy to finish his vessel. caught charlie angel's at his place before he sends me home for the day.

and its back to work today. after 3 good days of enjoying and relaxing.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

the good news is that im finally sleeping back on my own comfy bed. no more pillow fights, no more snatching of bed space, no more getting kicked by my brother, and no extra chance to let him put his leg on me! :)

caught 'Where Got Ghost' last night, quite hilarious, though the plot wasn't exactly very interestng i feel. and the seats at Jurong Point was quite close to one another, adding on to the fact that the cinema was crowded, makes the boy and i feel a little uncomfortable. had KFC for dinner, got Daddy to help me with the chilli blast drumlets since i was full and he was hungry. babe said that it was not bad. :)

had a good chat with QY on msn last night over r/s. and BFF ill-treated me! :(

p.s.: have to make plans to meet Fiona & BFF soon.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

the weekend was a blast. :)

boyf came over on fri to acc me for dinner before going for ship at midnight. headed to his place on sat afternoon and we met jess & her sis later in the evening at ion. well, it was our first time there, apart from jess & her sis. babe bought me jelly beans from cocoa tree, and i thought of J.R & W.K. who were big fans of jelly beans. lol. had dinner before heading back home while the boy went to work. :)

had lunch on sunday after church at a thai restaurant with the relatives at Liang Court. headed to the Somerset Serviced Apartments for a time of fun and laughter and a great way to celebrate National Day. hehe. caught the fireworks with the boy for the first time, and boy, i swear the fireworks were pretty. partying the night away on the nation's bday with my parents, aunties and uncles, cousin and of course the boyf at Pump Room, Clarke Quay. My parents, my auntie & uncle, and of course boyf and i were the sole survivors for that night. The rest left earlier and we definitely had fun!

stayed over at the apartment and was intending to drop by ecp for a time of bonding over cycling but the bad weather spoiled the entire plan. was supposed to celebrate elsa's belated birthday over dinner but boyf and i backed out due to some personal matters. had dinner at the Wong's residence before picking jess and collin up from Raffles City to have Ben & Jerry's at Dempsey. and i totally sucked at driving up to B&J @ Dempsey. I literally didnt know where i was suppose to drive to. Thankfully my love who was with me knows the way up, and i swear i was kinda lost when i was alone trying to find my way back to the main road while boyf and the rest cabbed home.

the long weekend was over, and it was time for me to face up to reality. Back to work on Tuesday, met the boy @ cwp for dinner before rina and dennis joined us. Caught G.I.Joe before the boy sent me home. had pastamania for dinner last night before catching The Hangover at J8. The show was awesome, we love it. :)

on a side note, i've been kicked out of my room all thanks to my sis who might be 50% positive for H1N1 since she has the symptoms. The doctor has quaratined her for the next 1week and i'm left with no choice but to sleep with my bro, who has the tendency to steal your comforter, put his leg on your body and roll his body close to you till you almost fall of the bed. i wonder how my boyf is able to sleep with him. LOL. shall get him to teach me some tatics since i've got a week more to endure.

for now, its back to work, work and still work.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

the silly boy of mine. :)

met the cousins to Punggol on saturday to try the sister's gown, and we've got what we wanted. :) Just have to make another trip down at the end of this month to do the fittings and alterations. and boy, the place is super ulu i swear. got lost while trying to find our way to cte. haha! alighted at clarke quay and cabbed back with bird and joselyn. drove to bukit batok to do mani pedi with mel before having dinner at this pizza restaurant located at Holland V. :)

dropped by central view to see how mama is, and im sure she's recovering as she's starting to nag and scold already. LOL.

met the boy on sunday after church to attend his niece's 1st bath. headed back to his place for awhile before going home for the day.

meeting suk khwan later for Din Tai Fung @ Paragon. :D